What is a REST API? Introduction to the REST APIs of KSI VISION
A REST APIs is an application programming interface, in short it is a set of rules that allows programs to communicate with each other, exposing data and functionalities of a platform. REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an architectural pattern that describes how a program exposes its interface.
In a simplified way, when "Rest APIs" is mentioned, it generally refers to an API that is accessed through the HTTP protocol with a set of URLs.
This article shows a brief introduction to the REST APIs of KSI VISION.

Working with the KSI APIs
Bearer Authentication
Bearer Authentication (also called an authentication token) is an HTTP authentication scheme that involves security tokens. It can be understood as "giving access to the bearer of this token". The token is a cryptic code generated by a server, which is returned to users who have previously made a login. The client must send this token in the authorization header when making requests to resources under permissions.
To see how to obtain your token on the platform, see Authentication to access the development tools.
Exploring the APIs
To access the KSI API documentation, it is necessary to log into the platform and then enter the following URL: for example https://eu.ksivision.com/ in Europe, or https://la.ksivision.com/ in América. Here you can view all the available resources, their input and output data.
Example of use:
Request for Locations to which I have access (how to get the API_TOKEN here).
curl -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN" https://la.ksivision.com/api/locations
Response: A list of Locations with their respective ids and descriptions.
Content type: application/json
"id": 0,
"description": "string"